TV personalities Chris Packham and Johnny Issaluk inspire Bristol students for careers in sustainability ● On Friday 15th November, wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham and Inuit actor and speaker Johnny Issaluk inspired 1,500 students in Bristol about careers in the environment sector. ● The LikeToBe event, TIC Talks: Our Planet, launched their unique online platform that directly connects employers, educators, and students, bridging the gap between education and employment. ● The Transformational Inspirational Career (TIC) Talks encouraged today’s students to consider careers they may not have on their radar yet. ● Other speakers included representatives from Rolls Royce, Bristol Energy Cooperative, Pure Planet, and Bristol is Open. On 15th November 2019, a repertoire of speakers including wildlife T...

LiketoBe is a network of professional people and organisations committed to developing the analogue world of careers advice. Using our unique platform and content, LiketoBe connects teachers and students with professionals to provide impartial, real world careers advice. Join our network of professionals, connect to teachers and schools and help LiketoBe create a grassroots approach to career guidance on a global scale.