, the online networking platform that raises the career aspirations of young people, is holding its inaugural Ethical Careers Event on Tuesday 5 March at the Gordano School in Bristol. Hosted by Chris Packham, the naturalist and television presenter, the event will feature professionals from a wide variety of businesses coming together to discuss the career options available to young people today and to address the ethical ramifications of those careers. The event will be filmed by a professional TV crew and be available to view on the website from Thursday 7 March, as part of’s activities to support National Careers Week. Schools and students wishing to access the event need to register for free on Once registered, not only can young people watch the filmed event, but they can also engage and network with a variety of independent professionals and businesses to discover what employment opportunities are available an...

LiketoBe is a network of professional people and organisations committed to developing the analogue world of careers advice. Using our unique platform and content, LiketoBe connects teachers and students with professionals to provide impartial, real world careers advice. Join our network of professionals, connect to teachers and schools and help LiketoBe create a grassroots approach to career guidance on a global scale.