LiketoBe is hosting an Ethical Career Event at the Gordano School in Bristol on the 5 th March 2019. Hosted by TV presenter, Chris Packham, and filmed by a professional film crew for the LiketoBe website, the event can be accessed by all schools as part of Careers Week. Topics to be discussed include: social responsibility of modern-day entrepreneurs; cyber security; data protection & ethics; good ethics is good business; environmental responsibility; and equal opportunities in the workplace. Spaces are available for speakers. To be considered, please complete the application following the link below. APPLICATION Deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 22 nd February.

LiketoBe is a network of professional people and organisations committed to developing the analogue world of careers advice. Using our unique platform and content, LiketoBe connects teachers and students with professionals to provide impartial, real world careers advice. Join our network of professionals, connect to teachers and schools and help LiketoBe create a grassroots approach to career guidance on a global scale.